Monday, December 26, 2011

Party? Not really.

1:35 AM

Well, that was quite a day... only not in the way I expected.

Remember how in the previous post, I said, as an afterthought "I hope they show" (to the party)? Turns out I had the right idea. No one turned up. Out of 25 girls, not one came.

I had a whole party set up, a program, games, and a speaker. I waited for the two and a half hours the party was called for, and I even hoped they would show up after.

No dice.

Not one person even thought to call to say she wasn't coming!

I am very disappointed in my students. They are most definitely NOT having an activity on tuesday in honor of Chanukah.

After a while, I texted some friends and invited them, but no one was able to make it. I ended up driving over to my cousin, picking her up, and we had our own little party in my house.

We saw two movies together, Bridge to Terabithia, and Megamind.

I just got back from driving her home. It took much longer than I expected, because I went to fill up on gas... where I got stuck. I was very addled after a day of waiting for no one to show, that I forgot to put my car in Park before trying to take out the key! Obviously, it got stuck.

I got very worried, nearly freaked out, and I ended up nearly calling AAA... but first I called home and woke my parents. My father, very wisely and expertly, asked me to check that it wasn't still in drive. To that I responded with turning the key, and telling my father "good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed-bugs bite"

Overall, today was quite uneventful, which was in itself an event. So while I haven't really done anything (except for frantically set up for a party that wasn't), I am quite exhausted!

So my plans for tomorrow are basically preparing a lesson for Tuesday, making an appointment for the Lap-band, and enjoying my last day of vacation.

As for now, I think I'll re-watch some Lord of the Rings before I get ready for bed.

I'm to exhausted to go to sleep just yet.

Goodnight, and A Freilechen Chanukah!!!

Sarah Dina

1:53 AM

EDIT: 3:19 AM

I realized that I actually do have more of a plan for tomorrow night: Family party in Lakewood. :)

We'll see how that goes!

Sarah Dina

3:20 AM

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