Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Party and LotR

1:26 PM

The party last night was amazing! I spent time with my nieces and nephews, as well as cousins and their kids. I really got a laugh out of my oldest nephew (10), who was wearing a bow-tie and suspenders. I told him that the next time he comes to visit us in Boro Park, he needs to wear them. After all, Bow-ties are cool! (Doctor Who reference)

Additionally, my grandmother came along, and she brought a Piniata, as well as a stick. I was watching my nephews having fun playing with the stick, and I went over to my Grandmother, and told her "The stick is a bigger hit than the Piniata!" And then did an immediate facepalm when I realized what a pun I accidentally said. 

Otherwise, I just finished (for maybe the hundredth time) watching LotR:FotR (Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings) Extended cut, after seeing it in spurts. Now on to LotR:TTT (Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers). I had all three (extended) movies playing on my computer overnight (in a queue.), and when I woke up, it was only halfway through the third one! Overall, if you watch all of the movies in a row, you would be sitting for around 11 and a half hours. And don't get me started on Commentaries and the Appendices. Let alone the regular extra features. Also, I may as well mention the Rifftrax versions, of which I have the first two.

I just tried to calculate how long it should take to watch EVERYTHING contained in the LotR dvds (extended and not) but I can't seem to find any record of the combined length of the appendices online. I guess I'll have to pop in my dvds at some point!

So, overall, if you're a geek like me, (people seem to think geek is a derogatory term, and I disagree. A geek is merely someone who really likes one or more topics to an almost obsessive level. Well, some people may see it as an insult, I see it as a compliment of dedication   END RANT)

As I was saying, if you're a geek like me, you really need to have a lot of time set aside if you want to "archive binge" on LotR.

It's quite funny, actually. I think that people who don't know much about LotR think "It's just three movies! Star wars has 6! What's the big deal?"

Well first of all, it's not just three movies, it's three amazing books. And there is so much in them that wasn't put into the movies. Second of all, there an unbelievable amount of "behind the scenes" glimpses, that it makes the viewer feel like they actually worked on it! Which is awesome. Third of all, it's soon not going to be three movies, but four! The Hobbit is coming out next year! I honestly can't wait.

I'm just wondering why they're calling it "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" and not just plain "The Hobbit". Ah. I just looked it up, and GREAT NEWS! It has extra words to differentiate the two movies! They're making two movies out of The Hobbit! The second one will be called "The Hobbit: There and Back Again." Which I'm really happy about, because that's the name of Bilbo's book.

Anyway, I need to run to teach.

I'll probably do another post tonight if anything eventful happens.

Sarah Dina

2:01 PM

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