Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day one of Blog - Introduction


Hello, Reader. My name is Sarah Dina Schiff. I have decided I will be putting down my life occurrences as they happen, because the truth is, I realized, my life is pretty unique.

I decided to put it out there, and whoever reads it will either get inspired, or have a laugh. I guess that's what life is all about, no?

So first off, all of the names, and specific details (schools and such) on this blog will be altered. My name is *not* actually Sara Dina, nor are my friends names... whatever they will be. (I haven't decided yet.) I will, however, be referring to myself as Sara Dina, in order for me not to sound like a moron while omitting my real name for privacy.

Now that that is out of the way, I would like to introduce myself. I am an 18 year old Frum (Orthodox) Jewish girl, living in Brooklyn NY. I went to a religious Elementary school, as well as high school, and, as you will see, am having an amazing year post-graduation. My parents have been married around 37 years (weird approximation, I know.) I have 5 siblings, of which I am the youngest. My four oldest siblings are married, and have their own families. I will try my hardest not to drag them into my story too much, as they don't need to be dragged into my drama, but when they're there, you'll hear about it.

The main actual drama in my life is kinda like this: My parents seem to pretty much hate each other 90% of the time, and I'm stuck in the middle (I'm a chronic helper). My older brother (we'll call him Chaim) is slightly Asperger's, and my family is pretty much at the whim of his temper. These past few years have been pretty good, but it's always kinda tense. My four oldest siblings decided that since my parents are mostly concerned with Chaim, I need more parent-figures, and thus, I am stuck with over 6 parents (in-laws included... sometimes).

So, overall, as the blog title says, my life is hard. But it is also amazing. I have met many amazing and caring people. I have had happy, and sad moments, just like every normal human being. I really hope that this blog doesn't come off as one big vehicle for a teenage girl to vent and complain, because that's not what I mean it to be. I mean it to be a peek into my world. My life. My Hard (but amazing) Life. :)

I really wanted to document what a day I had today (the day that made me decide to make this blog in the first place), but it is now 2:35 AM, and I need to get up in around 4:25 hours, as my car is parked on the wrong side of the street (alternate side on Tuesday), and I also offered Chaim a ride to Yeshivah tomorrow. He needs to be there at 9, and I'm going to need time to actually wake up before driving.

(I apologize for how disjointed this post is. I hope that future ones will actually be coherent.)

Sarah Dina
2:37 AM

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