Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Feeling Better

4:47 PM

So I said I would post again soon, and here I am.

I'm currently at work (after hours) waiting to go to college.

Unfortunately, my car completely broke down yesterday.

I went to the mechanic, and told him i thought there was something wrong with my battery, and so he checked it out.

He told me my battery was drained, and that I need a new one, which is $110. To which I thought "Ok, $110 I can afford.". He also said that I would eventually need a new A/C compressor (the cause of the weird noise and lack of air conditioning in my car, which would be over $500. I decided I'd push off the A/C compressor, because after all, I could live without an A/C.

Anyway, he comes back out a couple of minutes later, and told me that he put in a new battery, but it drained in record time, so there was something else wrong, and I would need a new Starter. Which would be $225. Bringing my eventual total up to $955. I was ready to faint.

A couple of minutes later, he comes out again and said that I wouldn't need a new starter, nor even a battery. I asked him jokingly, "I only need a new car, right?"

He said that the source of my issues was the A/C compressor, which was draining too much energy from my starter, and thus the battery. So my total was down to $550. There goes the iPad I wanted to buy for my parents! (which i decided against anyway, because it would only be a source of more conflict)

Anywho, I'm in a much better mood now, (thanks to the talk I had with my Therapist)

I am now setting boundaries between me and my mother. Instead of her asking me every second to do things, I am setting up a chore list, and dividing them. (Something I think she should have done since I was 3, but that's not the point)

Anywho, about today:

I gave my students a test today, which I told them 3 times about.

To my UTTER disbelief though, only two girls claimed to have heard of it. Even though just yesterday everyone was complaining to me about it.

Yeesh. I wish they could at least try!

Anyway, I'll see how all of them do, but I am still going to be counting the mark.

It just makes me feel so bad for them that they aren't trying. Because if they arent trying for a silly old science test, how can they try for the real things in life.

That's all for now!

Sarah Dina

5:01 PM

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