Dec 9, 2012
3:46 am
So its motzai shabbos, and I just got the urge to put up a quick update...
My parents and I were by Yitzi (brother two spaces above me) for shabbos, while Chaim was on a Shabbaton with his yeshiva.
Here's something you ought to know about my relationship with Yitzi: he used to be my *best* friend.
He was the guy who would protect me from Chaim's temper tantrums, and helped me be sorta oblivious to the fact that my parents weren't happy.
Whenever I would want to run away, he was the one who talked me out of it.
He was my protector. He was my hero.
But somehow, somewhy, he started being a total jerk to me these last few years.
Since before he got married (5years ago) he has been treating me like dirt... Or less than that even.
So this year, on Erev Yom Kippur, I called him and asked if he forgave me for anything I did.... Maybe that was the root of our problems?
I got a yes, and I thought we'd be fine and dandy.
Yeah right.
His wife had a girl recently, and mommy bought her an undershirt that said "you think I'm cute? Wait till you see my aunt!" and had me give it to her.
I thought it was adorable, and so (seemingly) did his wife, and then I asked him if he thought it was cute, and what did he say? "she's never going to wear that." and he walked out of the room.
So when I heard we were going to them for shabbos, I steeled myself...
I still want to have a normal relationship with my sister-in-law and her kids, you know?
So everything was going well, except for two things:
1- his older son was jumping on his younger brother, and so I called his name so he should stop.... To which Yitzi said "don't talk to my kids" or "leave my kids alone" or something like that.
I was merely trying to get him to stop hurting the other guy! And he made it sound like I was trying to take over the parenting.
So after that, he walked out of the room, and said "if your going to be annoying, don't expect me to want to invite you again"
To which I said "why would I want to come back"
This actually is weird because I don't remember exactly what he said or the exchange of words, and so I'm the one coming across as the jerk.
2- I gave my opinion on something he mentioned in this week's parsha, and he immediately said "THAT'S APIKORSIS"
(in case you don't know, Apikorsis is kinda athiesm, which is kinda one of the biggest sins out there... So yeah, blame me for being hurt.)
So I'm going to be writing him a letter asking him what horrible thing I did to Him to make him hate me so much.
I'd confront him, but the last time I did, he said it is because I'm arrogant.
At risk of sounding arrogant (ironically), I think I'm the least arrogant person out there!!!
It kinda REALLY hurt when he said that.
So yeah, letter.
Also, I need to make myself am appointment by a Gyn. (I've never mentioned to
His before because of the personal nature)
I'm kinda freaking out , because I'm exhibiting symptoms of PCOS.
I'm really scared. ;(
What if I have it?
Will I be able to have kids?
Will I be able to get married??
I hope to post again soon.
Sarah Dina
4:14 am