Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Seminary Rant, 2012 Rant, and more!

7:32 PM

I don't understand why a girl can't decide not to go to Seminary without being considered a bad girl. I have a very busy schedule, what with teaching a Regents class to SERIOUSLY un-educated girls (they came in from Public Schools). Just today I was talking to my students about Nuclear Energy, and mentioned the Atom Bomb. I mentioned Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and I had one student ask me, "Is that Japanese?"

I was honestly shocked! Not one girl in my class knew what Hiroshima was! Only after some prodding did one 9th grader perk up and remember that the pilot of the Enola Gay didn't know what he was really doing. (She didn't say Enola Gay, and neither did I. Remember, these are Public School kids. They would immediately descend into laughter, as they did when I collected their reading comprehension homeworks on the planet Uranus.) I told her that they actually did know, and that that was an Legend. I gave them a Homework assignment to read about Hiroshima. I doubt anyone will actually read anything substantial. I am sure though, that they will find the plane's name.

Anyway, back to the Seminary issue. I'm very busy. I'm going to college. I'm going for a degree so I can support a learning boy. Why do I have to have a nervous breakdown for some preconceived notion of a "proper frum girl?" I'm very frum. I'm very strong in my beliefs. Granted, I watch movies. I see some TV. But going to Seminary isn't going to change that! Why do I need to pretend to be something I'm not.

Obviously, I'm worried that I, as a girl who watches movies, wont "click" with a "pure learning boy." But you know what? I refuse to worry about that at this point. I have tried to "quit" them quite a few times, and I will be trying again soon. Perhaps this Blog will help me stick to it. here's to hoping!!

Yeah... So that rant was in response to all the people trying to force me into staying in Seminary.

Now, life.

So it's 2012! The Mayans have yet to be proven wrong. We have one year to prove that the world wont end.

And here are three reasons about why no one should be going all crazy about the 2012 business.

1- How many times have people said "The world is ending!" and been proven wrong?

2- The Mayan Calender doesn't even end in 2012. It RESETS. As in the *Pattern* restarts. Not the world. The pattern. Kapeesh?

3- Since when do we depend on Mayan prophesies??????

Ok. So that's done.

I called and confirmed my appointment for the information session about the Lap band.

I'm just terrified. I refuse to pull back again, though.

Otherwise, I have recently become obsessed with the music of the late '30s, early '40s. Frank Sinatra specifically. Gosh, does that guy have a voice! Plus, the music is SO unlike what the non-jewish "music" is like now. (I listen to a bit. Only a few specific groups I know are clean and "not rocky")

I saw a really nice Record player + CD player + Tape Player on Ebay, and I'm seriously thinking of buying it... but I don't know exactly where I would fit it in my room. (It's quite small.) If I put my garbage-can under my desk, I can put a little stand to keep it on in it's place.

I'll have to see.

I also recently decided (after that conversation I had with my brother about dating) that I should focus on Sign Language Interpreting for now, putting Psychology as an "end goal," as opposed to complete overall stop-goal.

Now I really have to get back to work on a research paper I have due for college tomorrow.

Sarah Dina

8:28 PM