Wednesday, December 28, 2011

At Day's End

11:59 PM

So I just calculated how long it would take to watch everything on the Extended DVDs of LotR. It comes out to 5,477 minutes, or 91 hours, 12 minutes. That's not counting the rifftrax, theatrical cut, or regular dvd special features. That's nearly 4 days. Without sleep. Who needs webcomics or podcasts to Archive Binge? And as for Star Wars? You wish they had that much footage. 

So today I had a bit of a discussion with my students about how the Earth isn't 4 billion years old. We discussed why the Mabul (Great Flood) was needed, and I connotated sitting in a bathtub for three hours makes you look old to the world being submerged for 40 days and 40 nights. Obviously it makes it seem older. We also discussed how the younger things are the quicker they age. We discussed The Bermuda Triangle, in connection with the Ten Tribes. All this from a simple reading comprehension exercise about the Earth and Mars.

I had many students come over to me apologizing for not coming. I told them they should be apologizing to themselves, because when I realized that they weren't coming, I invited my friends and cousins! (I "forgot" to mention that everyone turned me down except for one cousin.)

Well, I'm off to bed, going to sleep early tonight. I'll see ya on the flip side!

Good night!

Sarah Dina

12:12 AM

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Party and LotR

1:26 PM

The party last night was amazing! I spent time with my nieces and nephews, as well as cousins and their kids. I really got a laugh out of my oldest nephew (10), who was wearing a bow-tie and suspenders. I told him that the next time he comes to visit us in Boro Park, he needs to wear them. After all, Bow-ties are cool! (Doctor Who reference)

Additionally, my grandmother came along, and she brought a Piniata, as well as a stick. I was watching my nephews having fun playing with the stick, and I went over to my Grandmother, and told her "The stick is a bigger hit than the Piniata!" And then did an immediate facepalm when I realized what a pun I accidentally said. 

Otherwise, I just finished (for maybe the hundredth time) watching LotR:FotR (Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings) Extended cut, after seeing it in spurts. Now on to LotR:TTT (Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers). I had all three (extended) movies playing on my computer overnight (in a queue.), and when I woke up, it was only halfway through the third one! Overall, if you watch all of the movies in a row, you would be sitting for around 11 and a half hours. And don't get me started on Commentaries and the Appendices. Let alone the regular extra features. Also, I may as well mention the Rifftrax versions, of which I have the first two.

I just tried to calculate how long it should take to watch EVERYTHING contained in the LotR dvds (extended and not) but I can't seem to find any record of the combined length of the appendices online. I guess I'll have to pop in my dvds at some point!

So, overall, if you're a geek like me, (people seem to think geek is a derogatory term, and I disagree. A geek is merely someone who really likes one or more topics to an almost obsessive level. Well, some people may see it as an insult, I see it as a compliment of dedication   END RANT)

As I was saying, if you're a geek like me, you really need to have a lot of time set aside if you want to "archive binge" on LotR.

It's quite funny, actually. I think that people who don't know much about LotR think "It's just three movies! Star wars has 6! What's the big deal?"

Well first of all, it's not just three movies, it's three amazing books. And there is so much in them that wasn't put into the movies. Second of all, there an unbelievable amount of "behind the scenes" glimpses, that it makes the viewer feel like they actually worked on it! Which is awesome. Third of all, it's soon not going to be three movies, but four! The Hobbit is coming out next year! I honestly can't wait.

I'm just wondering why they're calling it "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" and not just plain "The Hobbit". Ah. I just looked it up, and GREAT NEWS! It has extra words to differentiate the two movies! They're making two movies out of The Hobbit! The second one will be called "The Hobbit: There and Back Again." Which I'm really happy about, because that's the name of Bilbo's book.

Anyway, I need to run to teach.

I'll probably do another post tonight if anything eventful happens.

Sarah Dina

2:01 PM

Monday, December 26, 2011

Party? Not really.

1:35 AM

Well, that was quite a day... only not in the way I expected.

Remember how in the previous post, I said, as an afterthought "I hope they show" (to the party)? Turns out I had the right idea. No one turned up. Out of 25 girls, not one came.

I had a whole party set up, a program, games, and a speaker. I waited for the two and a half hours the party was called for, and I even hoped they would show up after.

No dice.

Not one person even thought to call to say she wasn't coming!

I am very disappointed in my students. They are most definitely NOT having an activity on tuesday in honor of Chanukah.

After a while, I texted some friends and invited them, but no one was able to make it. I ended up driving over to my cousin, picking her up, and we had our own little party in my house.

We saw two movies together, Bridge to Terabithia, and Megamind.

I just got back from driving her home. It took much longer than I expected, because I went to fill up on gas... where I got stuck. I was very addled after a day of waiting for no one to show, that I forgot to put my car in Park before trying to take out the key! Obviously, it got stuck.

I got very worried, nearly freaked out, and I ended up nearly calling AAA... but first I called home and woke my parents. My father, very wisely and expertly, asked me to check that it wasn't still in drive. To that I responded with turning the key, and telling my father "good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed-bugs bite"

Overall, today was quite uneventful, which was in itself an event. So while I haven't really done anything (except for frantically set up for a party that wasn't), I am quite exhausted!

So my plans for tomorrow are basically preparing a lesson for Tuesday, making an appointment for the Lap-band, and enjoying my last day of vacation.

As for now, I think I'll re-watch some Lord of the Rings before I get ready for bed.

I'm to exhausted to go to sleep just yet.

Goodnight, and A Freilechen Chanukah!!!

Sarah Dina

1:53 AM

EDIT: 3:19 AM

I realized that I actually do have more of a plan for tomorrow night: Family party in Lakewood. :)

We'll see how that goes!

Sarah Dina

3:20 AM

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Chanukah! (and other stuff)

1:56 AM

A Freilichen Chanukah! 

Over Shabbos, I had my oldest brother and his family over. It was great! I love my nieces and Nephews, and had a blast spending time with them. There were only three things that happened wrong over Shabbos: 

1: On Friday night, the youngest girl in the family, Shani, fell off of a chair, and bit her tongue. Badly. She was bleeding for about 5 minutes. B"H she stopped, and they didn't need to take her to someone for medical "intervention". She was over it remarkably quickly, and didn't complain about it at all past a half hour after it happened. 
2: My Nieces and Nephews didn't really let me sleep late, as they were outside of my bedroom door, banging and shouting. But you know what? I didn't really mind, because I LOVE them all so much!!!
3: My Sister-in-law brought up the idea of the Lap-band surgery.

Now here's something you should know about me. I currently weigh about 266 lb. (last time i checked) It's a VERY sore point, as I know that it's unhealthy, and I have tried all kinds of diets. The most annoying thing is that I know people seem to think that I'm not trying. It's recently rubbed off on me that I'm not trying hard enough. I feel like I'm just failing. 

A large (no pun intended) reason why she brought it up, in fact I think 99% of the reason, is that she wants me to start dating. 

Here's a fact I didn't say. As she's my oldest brother's wife, I know her for more than half my life. She's basically a sister to me, and in fact, (don't tell my sister) I feel closer to her than my sister! So she wasn't intruding, nor was she prodding. I know she's just worried, and I know she just means the best for me. But she actually made me cry on Shabbos, which I really usually don't do. I've seriously cried more than I have in a year in the last two weeks. (the day that prompted me to start the blog, which I haven't told you about yet.)

Anyway, back to the "dating" thing. Late Friday night, after the meal, and after all the kids went to bed, I stayed up with my mother and oldest brother, (Tzvi Hersch) talking about "what kind of boy I'm looking for". I kinda felt like I should have walked out of the room, because, as the youngest, I was always sent out of the room when such a conversation was going on. But this time, the conversation was about me! What it boiled down to was that I want a boy who has a "Shaichos" (Connection) with Ha-Shem. I honestly would want a learning boy, but I have heard from many a person that "learning boys" don't really want girls who are going for Psychology. Which is funny, because a majority of the reason I want to go into Psychology is that I have a good income to support a learning husband and family. It's like a cycle, wherein you must earn a little money to marry a boy who needs you to earn a lot of money in order to support his living style. 

But here's another truth... As you can see from my earlier posts, I watch movies and some TV. Which I can assure you, doesn't "click" with most Learning Boys. I guess I'll focus on losing the weight, and then on what kind of boy I want. 

Now, to talk about the happy, Chanukah things I hinted towards in the title; I will talk about my Chanukah plans and parties. 

I got home from a Family Chanukah party around 3 hours ago. I went to my aunt's house, and hung out (hanged? hunged? is there even a proper way to say that?) with my cousins. We played some "Jewish Dance-Dance Revolution"/Step It Up, and started watching The Newsies. I astounded them with my knowledge that Christian Bale is Australian, and really enjoyed myself, until I realized that it was getting kinda late, and I needed to get home to prepare for the party I'm throwing tomorrow night (tonight).

I'm having my students over for a party, and to show them how my father "tzinds" (lights) the menorah. They are kiruv students that joined the school basically straight from public school, so I don't know who knows what. I think I'll leave the description of the party for after it actually happens, but right now, the plan is Nosh, Speech, Step It Up/Dreidle Tournament, Menorah, Pizza, Ice-cream. 

I hope they enjoy! (I hope they show!)

A Freilichin Chanukah!

Sarah Dina


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Rant and Happy Chanukah!

1:42 AM

I often say, "I'm not a morning person, I'm not a night person, I'm a Midnight person." It is 1:42 AM, and I don't even feel drowsy. I just drank a cup of milk that I warmed in the Microwave, but have yet to feel the effects. (it tasted a bit sour to me, but whatever)

Today, I saw part 3 of 5 of my X-men movie marathon with Ruchi. We each watched the movie on our prospective computers in our prospective homes, but communicated through twitter. I shared my extensive knowledge of comics, and we discussed the fact that it is basically one big metaphor for Gay and Gay pride. (sans the killing, you know). One thing you should know about Ruchi; (She thinks) she's gay. I put in the (she thinks) because I refuse to believe it. She never was "frum" to begin with, and over the 6.5 years of our "light-switch" friendship, I have tried to be "mekarev" her. When she "came out" to me, I honestly cried for over an hour.

Anyways, before we actually saw the movie, we discussed marriage. (or actually, Ruchi ranted). The topic came up, because a very close friend of ours (she was also trying to be Mekarev Ruchi) got engaged recently. Ruchi was sharing her opinions on how she thinks that marriage is the end of all relationships. At one point, she said "I have never been in a relationship that lasted for longer than a week." I honestly hope that she meant online relationships.

I'm seriously torn about her. All I've been taught is that people like that deserve to be stoned. I prefer to think as the people as afflicted by desires they cant control. They only should be punished if they actually do "the" act. That's my opinion, and I feel that that is the stand of the Torah, but people misconstrue it to mean "all gay people are evil and must die." Yes, the act is unnatural, yes, it "is an abomination", but what about the people who are stuck feeling a certain way? They are at the mercy of their feelings, and I think they should be pitied, not hated.

Anyway, I just realized that the title of this post is "Happy Channukah!" and I have yet to say anything about it! Today was really good, except for the fact that I overslept. (had to do with the fact that I was up 'till who-knows-when setting up this blog) I didn't end up going to Seminary today, but I did end up getting to School (teaching) on time to teach my double period, only to find that my first period was taken over by a school assembly about Chanukah. This was the second time that a period of mine was taken without my being informed. I feel like I'm pretty much the odd teacher out in the school. It must be the fact that I'm the youngest teacher there. (I'm one year out of High School, and I'm teaching High School already.) Anyway, I ended up finishing up teaching about the Phases of the Moon, and we spent the extra time at the end of the period "schmoozing" and playing a game called "if and then." It was quite fun, except for the point where one girl wrote an insult to another girl as her "if". To say the least, I was very disapointed... in two girls. The one who wrote it, and the one who read it aloud. The girl who picked it out of the pile should have realized it wasn't nice to read it aloud.

Anyway, I enjoyed sitting in front of the Menorah today, for the first time in a year. I think that Chanukah is my favorite Yom Tov. It's so relaxing and peaceful. The only thing that wasn't perfect about it was the fact that Chaim, as always, went up to his room to play on his computer as soon as he lit the candles. It's like it's all rote to him. As if there's no meaning.

Anyway, I probably should get to bed, as I would like to get to Seminary tomorrow.

Good Night!

Sarah Dina
2:05 AM

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day one of Blog - Introduction


Hello, Reader. My name is Sarah Dina Schiff. I have decided I will be putting down my life occurrences as they happen, because the truth is, I realized, my life is pretty unique.

I decided to put it out there, and whoever reads it will either get inspired, or have a laugh. I guess that's what life is all about, no?

So first off, all of the names, and specific details (schools and such) on this blog will be altered. My name is *not* actually Sara Dina, nor are my friends names... whatever they will be. (I haven't decided yet.) I will, however, be referring to myself as Sara Dina, in order for me not to sound like a moron while omitting my real name for privacy.

Now that that is out of the way, I would like to introduce myself. I am an 18 year old Frum (Orthodox) Jewish girl, living in Brooklyn NY. I went to a religious Elementary school, as well as high school, and, as you will see, am having an amazing year post-graduation. My parents have been married around 37 years (weird approximation, I know.) I have 5 siblings, of which I am the youngest. My four oldest siblings are married, and have their own families. I will try my hardest not to drag them into my story too much, as they don't need to be dragged into my drama, but when they're there, you'll hear about it.

The main actual drama in my life is kinda like this: My parents seem to pretty much hate each other 90% of the time, and I'm stuck in the middle (I'm a chronic helper). My older brother (we'll call him Chaim) is slightly Asperger's, and my family is pretty much at the whim of his temper. These past few years have been pretty good, but it's always kinda tense. My four oldest siblings decided that since my parents are mostly concerned with Chaim, I need more parent-figures, and thus, I am stuck with over 6 parents (in-laws included... sometimes).

So, overall, as the blog title says, my life is hard. But it is also amazing. I have met many amazing and caring people. I have had happy, and sad moments, just like every normal human being. I really hope that this blog doesn't come off as one big vehicle for a teenage girl to vent and complain, because that's not what I mean it to be. I mean it to be a peek into my world. My life. My Hard (but amazing) Life. :)

I really wanted to document what a day I had today (the day that made me decide to make this blog in the first place), but it is now 2:35 AM, and I need to get up in around 4:25 hours, as my car is parked on the wrong side of the street (alternate side on Tuesday), and I also offered Chaim a ride to Yeshivah tomorrow. He needs to be there at 9, and I'm going to need time to actually wake up before driving.

(I apologize for how disjointed this post is. I hope that future ones will actually be coherent.)

Sarah Dina
2:37 AM