1:56 AM
A Freilichen Chanukah!
Over Shabbos, I had my oldest brother and his family over. It was great! I love my nieces and Nephews, and had a blast spending time with them. There were only three things that happened wrong over Shabbos:
1: On Friday night, the youngest girl in the family, Shani, fell off of a chair, and bit her tongue. Badly. She was bleeding for about 5 minutes. B"H she stopped, and they didn't need to take her to someone for medical "intervention". She was over it remarkably quickly, and didn't complain about it at all past a half hour after it happened.
2: My Nieces and Nephews didn't really let me sleep late, as they were outside of my bedroom door, banging and shouting. But you know what? I didn't really mind, because I LOVE them all so much!!!
3: My Sister-in-law brought up the idea of the Lap-band surgery.
Now here's something you should know about me. I currently weigh about 266 lb. (last time i checked) It's a VERY sore point, as I know that it's unhealthy, and I have tried all kinds of diets. The most annoying thing is that I know people seem to think that I'm not trying. It's recently rubbed off on me that I'm not trying hard enough. I feel like I'm just failing.
A large (no pun intended) reason why she brought it up, in fact I think 99% of the reason, is that she wants me to start dating.
Here's a fact I didn't say. As she's my oldest brother's wife, I know her for more than half my life. She's basically a sister to me, and in fact, (don't tell my sister) I feel closer to her than my sister! So she wasn't intruding, nor was she prodding. I know she's just worried, and I know she just means the best for me. But she actually made me cry on Shabbos, which I really usually don't do. I've seriously cried more than I have in a year in the last two weeks. (the day that prompted me to start the blog, which I haven't told you about yet.)
Anyway, back to the "dating" thing. Late Friday night, after the meal, and after all the kids went to bed, I stayed up with my mother and oldest brother, (Tzvi Hersch) talking about "what kind of boy I'm looking for". I kinda felt like I should have walked out of the room, because, as the youngest, I was always sent out of the room when such a conversation was going on. But this time, the conversation was about me! What it boiled down to was that I want a boy who has a "Shaichos" (Connection) with Ha-Shem. I honestly would want a learning boy, but I have heard from many a person that "learning boys" don't really want girls who are going for Psychology. Which is funny, because a majority of the reason I want to go into Psychology is that I have a good income to support a learning husband and family. It's like a cycle, wherein you must earn a little money to marry a boy who needs you to earn a lot of money in order to support his living style.
But here's another truth... As you can see from my earlier posts, I watch movies and some TV. Which I can assure you, doesn't "click" with most Learning Boys. I guess I'll focus on losing the weight, and then on what kind of boy I want.
Now, to talk about the happy, Chanukah things I hinted towards in the title; I will talk about my Chanukah plans and parties.
I got home from a Family Chanukah party around 3 hours ago. I went to my aunt's house, and hung out (hanged? hunged? is there even a proper way to say that?) with my cousins. We played some "Jewish Dance-Dance Revolution"/Step It Up, and started watching The Newsies. I astounded them with my knowledge that Christian Bale is Australian, and really enjoyed myself, until I realized that it was getting kinda late, and I needed to get home to prepare for the party I'm throwing tomorrow night (tonight).
I'm having my students over for a party, and to show them how my father "tzinds" (lights) the menorah. They are kiruv students that joined the school basically straight from public school, so I don't know who knows what. I think I'll leave the description of the party for after it actually happens, but right now, the plan is Nosh, Speech, Step It Up/Dreidle Tournament, Menorah, Pizza, Ice-cream.
I hope they enjoy! (I hope they show!)
A Freilichin Chanukah!
Sarah Dina